Career coaching and career management
Career development and counselling
Bravo Careers understands that career coaching, planning and management requires a dynamic approach for all individuals. This is especially true if you are experiencing changes in your work and personal life. As one of the leaders in career coaching, we know what it takes to help you discover your inner potential and give you the confidence to rise to professional challenges. We empower individuals to take control of their own career paths.
As one of the leading providers of career coaching and career development services in Australia, Bravo Careers will work with you to demonstrate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your investment in learning and development and its contribution to organisational outcomes.
When seeking professional development and support career counselling and or coaching is a proven way to enhance your capability, knowledge of skills, motivations and values that achieves measurable success in your ability to seek a career that has more meaning to you – your purpose.
Our experienced career coaches have the ability to help you learn, develop skills, and realise your capabilities so that you can move towards your dream career and achieve more happiness and success in what you do.
What do we mean by career development coaching?
Career development coaching is delivered in unison with career development counselling. Our counselling aspects seek to understand and have you verbalise ‘why you do what you do and what makes you happy’. Our coaching helps you set the pace and support your motivation drivers and help you regain the focus on your goals.
The benefits of career development and career management:
Our Career Development activities can be designed to deliver specific skills in a short period of time to meet an immediate need in addition to being designed to achieve broader mindsets for your long-term career aspirations.
Through our career development and career management process, you will:
- Develop your career goals and objectives, including realistic and manageable timeframes for positive career outcomes
- Identify possible directions for success, including those that you may not have considered yourself
- Craft your professional identity for more effective networking outcomes and interview performance
- Educate yourself to benefit from the career-building potential of a strategic and effective professional network
- Improve your professional and personal confidence with heightened awareness and recognition of your own key strengths and skills
- Enable others to recognise and appreciate your value

Career coaching and career management for the organisation
Bravo Careers can act as a catalyst for change to help you establish an accepted career management process that feeds into leadership development, succession planning and performance management.
We also provide high quality career advice and planning to your employees so they can flourish in your organisation and evolve into leaders who will lead your organisation into the future.
The Bravo Careers team will help you develop a culture where people:
- Manage themselves more effectively
- Champion their strengths and help others to develop this edge
- Inform their managers of impending challenges
- Develop beneficial adult-to-adult relationships
You will develop an organisation where decisions are based on genuine knowledge of:
- Who your people are
- What it takes to unlock their full potential
- How your team can affect organisational capability
- What it takes to keep your people engaged
- How to create advocates for what you do

Career coaching and career management for the individual
Career management will help you understand how to derive genuine meaning from your work and how to achieve the goals necessary to meet your individual needs.
Whether you are looking for a boost in your current position or a career transition, Bravo Careers trusted career management consultants will be able to help you open new doors to greater opportunities.
Our career management helps you:
- Explore and better understand your self
- Develop more effective self-management behaviour
- Feel a greater sense of control over your career and life
- Understand how life outside work informs life inside work
- Identify and engage the support necessary for your success
- Create an achievable plan of action for moving forward in life and work
We help you achieve this by:
- Aligning your values and needs with your work and career
- Working in an authentic and open manner with you as our client
- Creating a learning and growth plan that attends to all areas of your contribution
- Developing communication skills allowing for a more open and honest discussion with management around your personal aspirations and needs

Bravo Careers are your partner in career and professional development coaching. We encourage you to be curious about your needs, explore our services and reach out to us. We will be delighted in speaking with you.