Director coaching and career development
Bravo Careers director pathways program
Working as a director in any organisation or business can be truly fulfilling, exciting and challenging. However, not everybody is a born leader. If you find yourself searching for a better way to lead and direct the business, then our director career development coaching is just what you need. Working with us is an excellent way to sharpen your leadership and management capability - or if just commencing in your career as a director, discover the director within you.
There can be a number of reasons why people pursue joining the board of an organisation. Some may do so for the purpose of applying their skills and experience in a new, broader business environment with the aim of making a genuine contribution as a committed corporate citizen. Others may do so to build their brand reputation, extend their network and accelerate their careers, and others, simply to acquire additional compensation.
Success in acquiring a seat on a public company board can be challenging and highly competitive, particularly if this is the first attempt to enter the world of corporate governance. Increasingly fierce competition for such opportunities has come about for a number of reasons, a decline in the number of public companies, and particularly new IPOs, a general reduction in the size of boards, and an increasing retirement age for current serving directors, amongst others.
We have a long history of providing training to a wide range of professionals who work in a large variety of industries and fields. We can easily tailor our services to help anyone working as a director and provide various approaches and methods to deal with the unique challenges that directors face.
Bravo Careers will assist you in building a persuasive candidacy and support your strategic and realistic approach to your director contributions.

Bravo Careers director pathways program
The Bravo Careers approach to coaching for potential directors is comprehensive and holistic and deals with professional imperatives within a context of whole-of-life considerations.
The Director Pathway program is always tailored specifically to the needs of each individual executive, but typically undertakes a number of essential steps in preparation for going to market:
- Clarifying and/or shifting the career paradigm – developing a purpose statement, a reason for pursuing a directorship career, and creating a compelling value proposition that is in alignment
- Reviewing competencies and experience as evidence of candidacy for roles – deciding on type of directorship, developing a positioning statement
- Review of personal qualities and attributes – levels of self-awareness and social awareness, ability to self-manage and the effect on relationship management
- Focus on ability to work with complexity, critical thinking and reflection, scenario analysis and risk management
- Technical board competencies – knowledge of contemporary board practice, financial literacy and governance capability, strategic analysis and planning
Bravo Careers, Thoughtpost Governance and the Global Governance Initiative (GGI) have teamed up to deliver an affordable, high quality and engaging program on governance. The governance training course was written by a team of some of Australia’s and New Zealand's top governance educators.
Dale Simpson has developed the module on Succeed, outlining the essential steps in a career as a director. The six online, self-paced, engaging modules start with Purpose and Culture and cover the topics of Entrepreneurship, Integrity, Prosperity, Society and Succeed. The course can be viewed at www.ggi.community
Once these essential steps have been completed, the executive is assisted in the development and delivery of their go-to-market strategy, covering
- Developing an identity – preparation for presentation to the market, preparation for interview, delivery of purpose and value propositions
- Identifying target markets – industry sectors, structure and size of typical companies, organisational culture
- Networking strategy – identifying existing connections, develop networking plan, develop meeting agendas

Bravo Careers are your partner in career and professional development coaching. We encourage you to be curious about your needs, explore our services and reach out to us. We will be delighted in speaking with you.